CLC presents: Spring Cleaning for Your Organization

All across the country, homeowners and renters alike are preparing for the cleansing wave of spring. Attics, basements, and garages everywhere will soon be whipped into a frenzy, with forgotten and underused items finding their way into boxes marked for the garage sale, while half-finished projects get ready for a reboot. Last year’s dust and clutter will clear and to-do lists will begin being populated with exciting plans for the spring and summer.


Spring can be a great time to regroup and recommit for organizations, as well. While the New Year’s resolutions and goals may have been lost in the tizzy of post-holiday madness, this can be the perfect moment to resurrect them and do some organizational soul-searching. What inspires our organization? Are we honoring our original mission? What new programs could we launch this year? How did we accrue so many unread e-mails?


While this process can be a little overwhelming, don’t worry! City of Light is launching a 4-part Spring Cleaning series to help with the process. Each Wednesday in April, we will post an article focused on an element of organizational housekeeping. Just think of us as your willing helper, clad in old jeans and t-shirts that we no longer care about. Actually, that’s just kind of how we dress around here...Anyway, let’s get ready to climb the ladder and do some organizational gutter cleaning!


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